Possession Of Real

He motivates me. Always say what I need to hear when I’m slacking on my dreams. He uplifts my dreams as though he say I shouldn’t give up on what I believe. 

But he says I do the same for him. He continues to grow and he acknowledges mine as well. 

He guides me to challenge my spirituality. Be proud of my color. Me more informative about my surroundings and how to get out of the struggle. 

He’s not a man of just words but action. 

I wouldn’t doubt his love because he always show and tells me in ways everyone doesn’t have to know.  

It’s not for everyone to know, he makes sure that I know first. 

His integrity and self worth is noticeable to everyone around him. 

It’s an honor to know him. 

Friends With GOD Benefits 

In a recent event I was wanting to start a prayer chain for an individual. As I scrolled through my contacts I had no one to start that with. Not family or friends. I prayed myself because regardless I know God hears prayers. But the thought dawned on me, having family and friends avaliable to contact through hard times is a need as a Christian. 

My contacts lacked connections to others with a connection to the Source I needed at the time. That was an eye opener. It also made me question my surroundings. 

My mom always told me, “who you surround yourself with is a reflection of you“. And like mostly all the time she’s right. So slowly I started to remove friends or associates that weren’t representing what I was trying to be. Although I removed a lot of people, I also didn’t replace them with good company. 

You always want to have those to pray for you and with you in hard times or just even on a regular. It’s healthy to have a few praying buddies on your team. When you learn to really appreciate the value of Gods line to him, you will take advantage of it. Amazing things were and are done in prayer. We have that it’s God given. 

Remember to always look at who you surround yourself with, make sure it’s a group of people who have a relationship with God, and prays regularly. That tool alone will help. Also those who aren’t afraid to let the world know they are his children. 

I sure will be searching and reaching out to more young praying people. Not just for praying reasons but to enjoy life with and maybe even witness to others about Jesus Christ. 

Have a great day, God Bless. 


You can make it easy to love you. 

You can make it hard to leave 

You can be my strength in the areas I am weak. 

You can be my knight saving me from cold things, you can be my cover, comforting me. 

You can be my partner, my rock, the reason I smile. 

You can be my babe forever and at all times. 

You can be my heart beat, together we are complete, and without you that heart beat skips with emptiness knowing I’m without one. 

You can be the answer to my heart needs and desires, you can be the end to my pain and hard times 

A gift delivered from God, you can be for me and I for you 

Rage of Unfair Treatments

I can say that I’m upset. I have a right to be. When I turn on the news I see nothing but bloodshed and mistreating of young people for money. For years personally I have encountered, being seen for money. I was a price tag and wasn’t aware. That’s the way some leaders see the youth, a quick ticket to a lump sum. It’s not fair nor is it right! Did you know that some black teens or young moms have multiple children so that they can receive a larger amount in a tax return? 

It sounds and is so defiling for many black youth that aren’t making the same mistakes and growing from their poor choices. I always ask why do they not love themselves enough to want more than a tax return but, can make that and more by owning some things and becoming a leader in these communities. It’s upsetting and it makes me wonder if there is any hope anymore. 

Everything on this earth has a price tag, even people, heck even babies. That’s why celebs have a “worth” , why some have multiple kids, why some women and men sell their bodies for money, why we buy into material things we don’t need. 

It’s all image and money. 

I feel like history is just repeating itself again, instead of going forward,we have allowed a limited amount of growth, didn’t pass down the struggle, and allowed our generations and dignity and integrity to backfire and go backwards! 

I ask are these last day issues? Or Just a world full of foolishness. I know it’s the last days. God have mercy on the hearts of the greedy and cold. 

I always hope and wish for things to turn around, but we also need vessels that are willing to hit the streets not just, hide behind church walls and a computer or phone device commenting. We have enough commentary. We need actions! 
One Love! 

A love Without Pressure

I watch a lot of “A Different World”. I really love that show. What stands out most to me is the realness of things that goes on in the “black” world. It’s amazing how even though the show was on in the 90’s, its relevance still contributes to today’s problems and issues. My favorite character is DeWayne Wayne. It may not be shocking that he’s my favorite if you know me. His intellect and values displayed is one I hope to find in my future husband. One of the things I love most about him is his love for Whitley. Both coming from different worlds and marrying into one. His. Through his love he shows her and teaches her and guides her into becoming better and realizing what’s most important. He represents what black men use to represent. Now I won’t say all black men are just horrible, I don’t believe that. I have many friends who shows true integrity in who they are, what they stand for, and what they believe. I value their friendship and their aspects of life.

But I also ask why are those friends of mine are in the friend zone, not potential husband candidates.  Some my choosing and some not. But I love how I can communicate with them about any level or any topic and none have to do with getting into my pants. That I cherish. 

That’s what I want in a man. A love with no pressure. We know what we want, what we want to build, accomplish, give back into, and share to help make and create better for our own. 

A relationship without pressure isn’t one full of true love

But I add, the pressures of true love shouldn’t consist of ungodly pressures. It’s normal to have pressure applied to life so that you can learn what’s needed to know, for you to grow. Some pressures out here these days aren’t healthy for anyone individually non the less a couple. 
#adifferentworld #love #pressure #god #christianity #relationships 



Can be a very odd place to be in. I know for me I have been in that place for many years. Fighting for attention I did a lot of foolish things to get attention or feel love. The good thing is I learned to not go over board with what I would do to grab attention from an adult or person I had a bond with. I remember growing up and I would play all these tricks on my grandmother, give her wet willies and mess with her hair, talk crazy just so she could cuss me out. I thought it was funny but also at that moment I had her attention. I also remember when my brother would come from Chicago once every few years that I hated when he came and loved it at the same time. I loved it because I had my little brother around I hated it because, they would buy him so much stuff anything he wanted and I didn’t even get half of that and I lived there. I had an attitude from the time he would come til he left back home. Jealously. A child needs attention from their parents so that they won’t go searching for it in other people. It can become so crucial for them because they can try to find it in places that can also take their life away. The importance of really showing love, affection, and attention goes a long way. You want to be taught to pass down these things to the generations so your blood line won’t be lost in what others are caught up in doing. Then I remember when I was a kid going to church with my grandmother the pastor would always say “God is a jealous God”. I thought hmmm That’s something. Out of all of the magnificent things that God is he is also Jeaulous? At that time I couldn’t connect what he meant until I reached more into what jealousy really is and compare it to the word. So…. You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 23:3)

That says a lot. Him knowing that other gods of the world existed he wanted to established that he shall remain number one. Right? And I thought about this how we pray for God to bless us with different positions out in the work world, or a big house, or whatever. Then after while we forget to keep thanking him for all he’s done. We got too hooked on to the tangible things we forgot he was the one who gave it. Then things start to go wrong and you need another blessing from him (the one you forgot about) when it falls apart, you want a new house or job? I can laugh because I have experience this and I say wow you were a trip. So you can have a fit on your grandmother to show attention to you? All that for attention. Sometimes God will take things to grasp our attention, because we do need him. We get ahead of ourselves thinking ok God I got it from here but thanks like, he’s someone who picked you up off the side of the road and drove you 5 miles to the next gas station. He offers to take you all the way but your like nah just give me this and drop me here, and I’ll get myself to this address because I don’t trust you enough to get me there. Yes wow I know. You, WE say this to him each time we take it upon ourselves to drop his way to go on ours. 

Remember who he is and what he can do. He’s unlimited in resources and finances but don’t just limit him to what you want him to do. Remember him and the good and bad. Give him the attention he deserves too. Talk to him, pray with him, read all about who he is, get personally attached, to where your with him so much it’s like your one. 


My dirty laundry started out in a small basket. I would use so many things I didn’t care where I put them. Til an abundance of an overflow filled my room. When I finally looked around I felt closed in. No room to breathe, no room to relax and no time for peace. As I looked at myself in the mirror I realized the weight gain and the bags under my eyes. I looked really exhausted and really pale. I didn’t realize who I was any longer. I sat in the middle of my dirty laundry asking how did I get here? 

My life was a mess. My usually fit body wasn’t fit. My appetite and food changed. My mood changed, even my normal portion of positivity was exchanged for something I had fought against. 

I walked away from God as the answer to my problems. I got impatient with waiting for an answer or direction from him. I let go of his hand and wandered off into a path of bad decisions and consequences of my decisions without even realizing I did. 

Feeling emotions I shouldn’t have. Taking advantage of some good people, even stopped praying everyday as I normally would. My pile of junk just continued to grow as I continued down this path. 

But down this path it got dark. The more I walked away, the more dim the light of God seemed to get. The further I got away the harder it seemed to cross all I’ve done and went through, to get back to him. 

To go back over my junk meant I had deal with my choices face to face. I wasn’t ready for the truth, so I stayed in place. I could see where I needed to go to be ridden of all my junk, but the road back seemed a little tough. I would feel ashamed going to God with an abundance of troubles, when he had my hand waiting with me for the answer to my questions and prayers. 

I wandered off thinking I could lead my own way and find my own answers to somethings only he had the map to. How foolish of a child I was. 

Realizing I can only stay away from my answer and chance for redemption, I got enough courage and strength to head back to the light. As I walked back to what seemed so dim, facing bad choices and sin I had to crawl over to get back. I realized that sometimes you can start off track thinking you know what’s best for you. I didn’t have a right questioning the author about where I ended in his story before the first chapter. I wanted a quick summary, a headstart into this novel. I wanted to know so I can get ahead quicker than I was suppose to. Not realizing that reading word from word the things I would learn along the wait of the end of this novel. Which is what made the end of this authors story so amazing. 

The initial novel didn’t have so much “junk” in the characters lives. But since the character went off script with impatience, the story took a turn. Yet the ending was still the same. 

Sometimes we are impatient with God. Wanting to get ahead so fast that we miss key things he wants us to learn that will help us along the way. The issue is if we go off track we can create hurdles for ourselves that we were never intended to cross initially. But that’s our plan not his. He said be still, yet we wanted to go. The thing that’s so amazing about God is that no matter where we steer off to he’s still in place where we left him. No matter how much “junk” we had, he is still willing to clean us up and start over. That’s called forgiveness. That’s real love. After we have left him to pursue our own ways and he accepts arms wide with love and grace and mercy. What’s even better we still get the success he intended for us from the start. Our hardheaded doing just helped us see and to be able to teach others to just follow on his path. 
Wait In Line With God, Once It Gets Moving And You Reach The Front, Your Blessings & Answers Are All Given To You.   

A Letter To A Lost Friend 

I tossed and turned all night thinking of you. Our last conversation and how you are going through. Though I was there to listen I wondered what can I do? As I contemplated on words to choose I was left with no words for comfort I was just mute. What’s life without friends to help you through? What’s emptiness when you have gave all of you? I understand your pain though I have been down too. Your eyes crying for a filling and I see right through. The smile the brave posture. Your words saying you know what to do, yet you can’t find the strength to reach to. I know thoughts weigh heavy on you, that why I try to make my self available to you. So you know your not alone, yet when you feel when my shoulder can be your home. I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t know why you feel the way you do. I see your pain and loneliness and you have seen mine too. I hurt when you hurt, I cry when you cry. It’s ashamed after giving so much of yourself when your weak you don’t know where to turn to. But I’m here, ready to wipe every tear. Here to hold you up in the only way I know how, so say these words with me to. Dear God I know your there, my friend is lost in her own world not knowing what to do. So we come to you, we surrender our problems to you. Knowing you can fill any emptiness with your love and comfort too. We ask for a change, we ask for a blessing, we ask because your son died so that we may be whole, change our soul, change our thoughts, change the pain that lies in our hearts. Heal what’s broken and wounded right now God. I believe in you as you believe in me, do what only you can do. Now as we ask these things in you, we yield to your answer. And if God it doesn’t come tonight let the joy you give come in he morning. I won’t rest until you bless me like Jacob did with the Angel, because you promised you won’t but more on me than I can handle. In your son Jesus NAME AMEN. 
So now my friend may you rest in peace knowing God has heard our call, and will meet your need. Everything will work out fine, God is sending your answer through his express mail. Tell the devil he can go back to hell. With his thoughts of discouragement and his ways to attack your mind. He may have won a battle but remember the war is yours!     

-Brianna Whittington 


“Looking Past Me”

God help me see myself the way you see me.

This is something i struggle with.
I can’t see past who i am, and how im not worthy of his love and grace. Lil ole me? Nah. God did you get me mixed up with someone else? He says i have the perfect tools he needs to reach the people who are like me. I again, God? Me? Can’t be. God I’m not Holy, and i make mistakes, i tend to blame others for my wrongs, and i can’t speak to people without being nervous. No God you need someone bold, and Holy, and someone thats totally opposite from me. I can’t be your go to.

I’ve said this so many times. Yet when I’ve learned that God uses the messed up ones and does a major change on the inside, they become what he needed to reach others. See my life has its up and downs, and i thought going to God was going to make it easy. Boy was i wrong. It enhanced my trials because the enemy had a goal to reach. To stop me from committing to Gods word.. to mislead my thoughts and to over take my emotions and make me believe whats not true. He made me delusional in my thinking. Believing whats not real, but i just swore it was. Wow. But God says your the perfect candidate for what i need done Brianna. You can bring what some others can’t. But you have to be willing to let me in and stop worrying about what others think. Stop trying to portray this image of not needing anyone, and that you can make it happen on your own. You can’t. Not without me.
Ok so God how can i let go? How can i really trust you? My word.
Thats it? Your word?
Yes my word is all you need. It has everything you need to trust in me, and get you through whatever you face.

Believe is a word of hope. See my problem was not believing. I would start out good. Just wouldn’t finish. Being able to stand regardless of what comes is endurance. Its what can help you remain in Him.
Life isnt a fairytale, its rough. But its not what you go through, its how you react and deal with it.
Whats your healing process like?
Is it loud and childish? Depression? Giving up?
Your better than that. Your God is bigger than that.
Learn to stand. Believe. Trust. Depend. Live. & Love God.
What do you have to lose if you don’t have anything anyway?
The Message is essential…..
You Have The Messages To The Change Needed In The World Today.